There are plenty of things I regret… in fact, more than I would like to admit. These things often cause me a great deal of anxiety because I feel like I have missed out on an opportunity or wish things could have gone differently. For example, not telling my mother how much I cared for her as often as I should have. Or not living in the moment more often. Or taking things for granted. This is why I think it is important to talk about how we can deal with regret in a positive way.

Continue reading “How to Deal with Regret”



Hi guys, how are you doing? 2020 has been a hell of a year in so many ways both personally and publicly. This can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it… or rather, what aspects you look at and how you react to them. You know about the political and social events that have occurred throughout this year, but what about the way they alter and affect the big picture of our daily lives and how you can turn negatives into positives?  Continue reading “Coping During a Pandemic”